
For girls aged 11 years and above.

How can we stay faithful to God in a world that denies him?

How do we resist the pressure to compromise?

Does loving and serving God mean he will protect us from bad things happening?

Is God really with us?

What do we need to know about God to stay true to him?

At camp this year we travel back in time 2600 years, adventuring into Babylon with Daniel and his friends. Come and learn from them about the one true God who saves, see how this Old Testament book points us to Jesus, and be encouraged by their example to live a devoted life.



Mrs Jamie Essary will be the speaker for girls aged 11-14. She and her husband, Kyle, serve in various ministries at Gospel City Church. She is the mum of four, including two girls aged 13 and 15. She is currently studying for a Masters Degree in Christian Studies and loves opportunities to share from God’s Word.


Mrs Rebecca Abner will be the speaker for girls 15 and above. She loves helping women to know God’s Word and delight in Him. She is married to Dr Chris Abner and has 5 wonderful children. The Abners are members of Gospel City Church, where Chris is an elder and Rebecca serves in leading women’s Bible studies, hospitality, prayer, and children’s ministries. Rebecca has a Master of Arts in Christian studies.